For this month, I’ve been following exercises given by Bashar, who is channeled by Darryl Anka. I will share one for you here. It’s part of his 49-Day Mirror Exercise where everyday of the week you follow this particular routine. The goal? To raise your frequency and become your authentic self is what I get from it This is Tuesday’s exercise:
Drink Water and look in the mirror – Take one sip of water before each statement and look into your eyes in mirror.
Sip and swallow and say: “I am happy”, Sip and say, “I am grateful”, Sip and say “I am refreshed.”
Corny or fun? Anyway, why not just love yourself first since it’s VALENTINE’S DAY MONTH!
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HI I’m Lisa and I’m here to help you have the best life you can. How? I want to help empower you by giving you the tools to guide you on your path. See the girl meditating with headphones? That’s been me usually listening to EDM as well as binaural beats. That has been one method that has helped me develop my natural intuitive skills. My mission now is to help you along on a positive journey! I have tons of manifestation tips and I often provide that with a Tarot reading.
I have certifications from Biddy Tarot and Dolores Cannon’s Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT) and am a member of the International Institute for Complimentary Therapists (IICT).
With QHHT, we can discover what your subsconscious is telling you. How can we elevate your life on Earth now? Through “past lives”, find out your life’s themes and purpose.
I’m also practicing mediumship and have past mentors such as Lauren Rainbow and Ashley Visconti.
Feel free to contact me for a reading.
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